These are the things I say or do. While in France or some other country in the neighborhood. Enjoy.

Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm in Germany

Ha! I'm in Germany. And it RULES!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meine Katze kann ein ganz Wassermelon gessen.

Schlangsane in meinen Leiderhosen gefault Mir.

I may have messed up the spelling on a couple of words, but there's some useful German phrases.

4/24/2006 07:55:00 PM

Blogger Matt Maxwell said...

Sie suchten Kuehe fuer Ihren eigenen bedarf.

This was actually a "useful phrase" in my highschool German textbook. It means: They raise cows for their own use. Oh, and please excuse the spelled out umlauts.

4/24/2006 08:22:00 PM

Blogger Michael Faris said...

*envy* grrr.

4/24/2006 09:57:00 PM

Blogger PlumLily said...

germany does rule! especially munich ;)

4/25/2006 07:52:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

S. golf tips He says a shallow face creates shots with more backspin and shorter flight. Though Daly was not implicated, his life became chaotic. It's lighter (299 grams to 325 for the SuperQuad), has a longer shaft (46 inches to 45), which should create more momentum in the swing.

2/19/2007 07:46:00 AM


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