These are the things I say or do. While in France or some other country in the neighborhood. Enjoy.

Friday, January 06, 2006

How does Mike do it?

Teaching is seriously hard work. Anybody who says otherwise is a moron. You go from kids calling each other whores to kids that love to learn and know what "fashion victim" means in the same minute. Sometimes it's all yelling and discipline. Others it's pure elation at the difference you are making in some kid's life. Oi!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i may come to you for some teaching advice, as i will be subbing at the Loneman Middle School for the next three weeks. so is a backhand slap across the face the most suitable form of punishment, or do you prefer a rapping across the knuckles with a ruler? ah, to each his own...we got your cute letter. just cute.

reese (and you know nik loves you too)

1/07/2006 08:24:00 PM

Blogger Chelsea said...

Freakin' right on, Nick. Teaching is hard.

Eric told me about your blog. I'm psyched.

1/08/2006 03:34:00 PM


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